Improving methods per bank

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Revisão de 09h39min de 17 de março de 2017 por WikiSysop (Discussão | contribs)

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The allele system has a table reference called Methods for Improvement and two Report s called:

  1. Methods of improving
  2. methods for improving database

The report for 'Methods of improvement' presents the methods of improvement with initials, name and number of accesses, in addition to graphics, to the germplasm bank selected by the user to connect to the system.

In System Allele BAG, this report is found on the option or tab "Reports" module of the system called "Passport".

The report for 'Methods for improving the bank' differs from the former one in presenting a list of germplasm banks for the user that selects a desired bank.

In System Allele BAG, this report is found in the option or tab "Reports" of the module of the system called "Passport".

The table reference Methods of improving existing methods indicates the improvement of plant genetic resources, as shown below.

In System Allele BAG, this reference table is in the option or tab "Tables" of the system module called "Passport".

Types of improvement methods


  1. DNA
  2. Graft
  3. Stake
  4. Hybridization
  5. Micropropagation

See also