De AleloWiki
- Refers to a group of descriptors. The descriptors are organized into groups for ease of use, so a group of descriptors can be associated and can also be an access in an experiment rather than join the descriptor.
- The System AleloVegetal has a lookup table namedcultivation group" found in options or tab "Tables" module system called "Note".
- In System AleloVegetal, refers to the group is the option or menu tab system called "Querys" module (top flap) Settings;
- The System AleloVegetal also has an appointment with the name Group of cultivation on the option menu tab or the System "Querys" module (top flap) Note .
- The option tab or old tab, already disabled, which contained this query in System Allele BAG was called "Set Up-References".
Examples of cultivation group
- Rice
- Cassava
- Soybean